woman wanting to build muscle with Emsculpt in Bay Area

Benefits of Emsculpt for Building Muscle

If you have been looking for a non-invasive way t increase muscle tone, Emsculpt can help you achieve those goals. This treatment has become popular with celebrities, professional athletes, and everyday people who want to improve their appearance without invasive surgeries. Emsculpt has been approved as a treatment to target many areas of the body, with the buttocks and abdomen being the most popular. There are many benefits of Emsculpt that have contributed to this its growing popularity, including:

  • Highly Effective: You will get better results than your most challenging gym workout. Just imagine trying to fit in 20,000 squats or sit-ups in one training session – it is impossible! Yet, Emsculpt yields those results in every session, forcing your muscles to recondition and adapt to a more strenuous workout, making weak muscle areas firmer and stronger.
  • Boosts Metabolism: Emsculpt stimulates an entire remodeling of the muscular structure within the body’s targeted area, increasing the metabolism and helping build muscle tissue but burns fat.
  • Fast Results: Many people report seeing results after just one session. They can see defined toning over the next few weeks. It is recommended that a treatment plan includes four sessions within a 2–3-week period with more profound results after each visit. Continued improvement can be seen for up to six months after the last session.
  • Supports Muscle Recovery: Emsculpt helps rebuild and strengthen the muscle after an injury, making it highly beneficial for athletes. Athletes will not only be able to get back in the game sooner, but they also experience an improvement in strength.
  • Non-invasive: The Emsculpt machine targets muscle only and requires no surgery. It has become an increasingly popular alternative cosmetic surgery like liposuction, tummy tucks, and butt implants. You can get the same outcome with no risk.
  • No Downtime: Emsculpt requires no cutting, which means no pre-treatment prep or post-treatment recovery time is needed. Many of our patients can continue their normal activities immediately after with minimal discomfort. While some people experience muscle soreness, you would feel the same soreness after an intense workout.
  • Conveniently Short Sessions: Each treatment session is roughly 30 minutes, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules. Many patients can pop in on their lunch break.

If you are interested in learning how you can benefit from Emsculpt treatments at True Form Medical Group in Oakland and Fremont, give our office a call today.